05 December 2011

More Preparations

I had to move Snow White and her Dwarfs - the vase was too unstable, so the branches are now in a different vase in a safer (I hope) spot.

The tree is now up but not yet decorated.  John chose very well - the tree is a great shape and smells beautiful.

The rest of the inside decorating is finished and we've been putting up the outside lights.  The fruit is soaking for the Christmas cakes - I'm running late this year.

I finished the binding on a cot quilt on Saturday night - not much other sewing happening that I can show.  I love the fresh, bright colours and the Dick and Jane backing fabric.

Last night I spent 4 hours wrapping presents.  My present-wrapper moved out of home a few months ago and I'm working on suitable bribes for her to come over and do some present wrapping.

1 comment:

gracie said...

Love the Snow White new vase....and the quilt is so pretty.....I'll pass on the fruit!


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