19 May 2024

A Big Birthday

Last weekend was full of birthday celebrations for a big birthday, starting on Thursday with the arrival of my dear friends, Diann and Bill, who had driven down from near Brisbane.

My best friends, Lynell and Robyn, arrived for lunch on Friday (my birthday) with me, Diann and Bill then in the afternoon Jenni, Kurt, Vinnie and Daisy arrived.  Always a party when Vinnie is around.

Vinnie was so excited to give me a birthday present

and it was The Best Present - pink, metallic cowboy boots!

For dinner we went to a local restaurant, The Lagoon.  Elizabeth decorated the table with beautiful jars of pink and pink/white roses and loads of photos of my life on cute little gold stands.

Jenni made a delicious Lemon Poppyseed cake.

We managed to get a photo of my brother, Philip, smiling.

Cousin Steph

Lynell and Robyn

The Grandbabies

On Saturday afternoon we hosted an afternoon tea for the family and more of my friends - the weather had been dreadful for weeks and was no different on that afternoon - pouring rain all weekend.

We had a lovely time and I really enjoyed being able to spend birthday time with such lovely friends and my family.

Little Sweetheart Daisy is now 12 weeks old.

Elizabeth organised a continental birthday cake for the afternoon tea.  The table cloth was stitched by my mother-in-law in the 70's.  I think it was a kit from Family Circle.

Gulli and Daisy coincidentally wore matching outfits

Hugo and Vinnie had the best time playing "The Floor is Lava" with all the loungeroom cushions.

Sunday was Mother's Day and it was lovely having Jenni, Kurt and the little ones still here as I found the whole weekend a bit emotional being my first birthday and first Mother's Day without Mum.  I took some of Elizabeth's roses to Mum and Dad that afternoon.

All Vinnie wanted to eat at the party was hot chips and I didn't have any so, on the way home, Jenni and Kurt stopped at the McD's, about 5 mins from my house to buy Vinnie some chips - she thinks he ate 5.


marina said...

Belated birthday wishes Lynda, looks like you celebrated in style.
the grand-babies are certainly growing up!

Chookyblue...... said...

I'm so behind.......looks like a wonderful time with family and friends..........
Happy belated birthday........


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